Seasonal Update

Spring and Fall are my favorite Seasons.

Spring being the favorite, but Fall comes in a close second.

I usually feel like I need to clean out or clean up things.

So, I was feeling like I needed to spruce up the ‘ole Blog Page.  Freshen it up a bit.

Thought a little more why I started this “whole blogging thing” in the first place.   I originally started this blog with the intention I would share my life story with my kids… know, some sort of way I could write down things that happened in my life, why they don’t see some of their extended family, some sad, or funny stories, and yes, even the dysfunction……you, know, stuff like that.

Well, I’d thought they be interested.

(Ha, I honestly don’t even know if they read it!)

But you know what?

Somewhere along the way, I realized it didn’t matter if they read it or not.

I write because I like to write.

So, I updated the pages, updated the look a little.  Hope you like it, and thanks for stopping by!

5 thoughts on “Seasonal Update

      1. Please do! Sometimes, when I’m inspired, I write a few posts and keep them as drafts, then launch them into cyber world when I’m ready. Thanks for visiting and I wish you the best! Sue

  1. two great minds think alike… I thought that my family would be interested in what I write , mainly because we are so far apart that it would another form of communication. But, you know what? They are not in the least bit interested. At first I was disappointed and wondered why I bothered to write at all. Then I came to the conclusion..that I write for me..I write for my blogging friends.I do not write for my family. Some may read it via Facebook but if nobody else wants to read it …that is fine as I get great enjoyment out of what I do.

    lots of love to you all in the Park love Patrecia

    1. That is how I feel about writing for myself and my blogging friends. I am even toying with the idea of not having my posts published to my Facebook wall. I think if someone was interestered they would be already reading it. I could post one if I wanted to, just not all. Sometimes I do that. I have been using Facebook less and less. Hugs to you!!

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