Continued Refinement

A lot has happened since my last post and once again I find myself right back here acknowledging my lack of posting.

However this time it is more an accountability confession as I had sensed I was being prompted to post before now by the Holy Spirit, yet put it off.

I tried to justify and console myself with the fact that I had indeed been writing, just not posting. Sort of half the job.

I wouldn’t particularly accept that excuse myself; yet here I was thinking He would.

These words spring to mind:

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8

Holy Spirit promptings are for obedience. I had not listened.

What should one do when one realizes this?

The scripture goes on to say:

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.” 1 John 1:8-10

What a loving and merciful Lord we serve! One who refines us, teaches us, prompts us and does not condemn us when we fall short (because we will in our imperfections).

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Rom 8:1

I let too many things prevent me till now.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Cor 12:9

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26

I’m leaning into the fire.

I hope and pray you stick along for the refinement with me.

Blessings to you!


Gifts Amidst Sadness

Sometimes it is amidst sadness that we find great gifts.

Yesterday we attended a celebration of life for my second cousin.

Listening to family remembering his life, and talking with other family members, I was again reminded of family threads that run through and in us that we are often seemingly unaware of. I thought about my great grandparents and grandparents, some I recall, and some I’ve never knew, who have shaped and impacted generations, and still impact generations today. I thought about how generations before that may have impacted tendencies deep within us, without us even being aware of it. The thread running in my mind was how words and actions have the power to impact generations.

I know that God places each of us where we are supposed to be. I know that He places in each of us a desire to know Him. As I’ve walked and continue to walk my own spiritual journey, I’ve realized there have always been people surrounding me that were drawing me to the love of Jesus. When I was younger, I would have been hard pressed to describe the feeling I had when I was with my Mother’s side of the family, I just wanted to be around them. Yes, I loved my Father’s side of the family, but I was drawn to my Mother’s side.

Lately I have been thinking about our older generation. I’ve come to realize that even though our older generation was not always as vocal with their spiritual beliefs, they lived it. And, by living it out, they drew in me, a little girl who was being led down a false path to continue to lean in and press near to Jesus. I rejoiced yesterday; when the Lord’s name was declared! Praise Jesus!

When I was very young, I remember gathering, playing and laughing with multiple generations of my Mother’s side of the family. We would gather at my Great Grandmother’s house for picnics and gatherings. As the years passed, when any from that generation would gather together, for whatever reason, there was always the feeling of acceptance, love, family, of just being home. Sadly, the gatherings became fewer in between as most of the older generation passed, & the younger generation scattered.

For years now, whenever I think of Heaven and what it might be like, I remember those gatherings. To me Heaven would be an expanded version of those gatherings. Where not only those who have passed on would be gathered in one great picnic and homecoming, but I would also one day see all those in my life that my family circle has expanded to be: whether by marriage, birth, friendship, church or community. Heaven will be one glorious homecoming of all those that the Lord has placed in my life for His purpose.

Yesterday, some of that generation gathered again, to remember a loved one passing. For me, that same feeling was there. That feeling of hope. The hope that I have in Jesus. With that hope is the belief that He is pursuing those I love that don’t know Him. The belief He cares enough for us to pursue us. We just need to respond.

So, while it is sad to say goodbye here on earth, a great gift is bestowed. The gift of hope! The gift of Jesus! That is what I believe Heaven will be. Oh, what a glorious homecoming!

May you find the true gift of Hope this Christmas Season.

May you know Jesus.

“That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16


You are worth it!


Early this morning I was thinking about how I used to view things.

How I used to think of myself, life and those around me.

I remembered this video that I posted years ago and the impact that I felt.  It expressed so many feelings that I had felt over the years.  Perhaps you will find some similarilities.

It is worth 15 minutes of your time.

YOU are worth it!

Just Stop and Think




Ripple effect on water.
Ripple effect on water. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A few years ago at my Thursday ladies Bible study group, we were discussing making a difference in people’s lives.  We talked about how hard it is to know if that is happening or not.  We talked about one day in Heaven meeting those we’ve impacted by even just the smallest thing we might not even be aware of.  We talked about the ripples we can help create.  Someday we will see how He has used us, if we are willing to be used.

One of the girls recalled some words she had heard that resonated with me.  They were something along these lines:

You never know what you may say to someone that may be repeated to their children, or grandchildren which will ultimately lead to that person coming to know Christ.

It struck me.  The things we say and do can have generational impact.

I will pray that Jesus will use me; I pray that He will put the right words in my mouth.  However, I confess, I can get caught up in today’s society of instant gratification.   For the most part, I like to think I’m patient, but there are sometimes when I want to see the results of things without waiting.

When I think, or sense a ripple, I have been consciously making an effort to be thankful for being part of the ripple and letting it go.  It isn’t always easy.  My mind wants to hit replay and think what I could have said or done differently.    Notice how quick the mind wants to go back to the “I”?  Notice how whisper thoughts of pride can so easily turn into a sticky woven tangled web of self importance?


In the quiet moments, God speaks.  If a prayer of ‘help me Jesus’ is offered before any words are uttered, than I need not worry.   What is being said is what is needed at the time.  Seeds are being planted.  He will water them.  He will make them grow.

In the past four weeks, we have been blessed to have our granddaughter visit us.  We had conversations with her about the gospel, does she or can she know for sure if she is going to Heaven?  What does it mean about being saved by grace not by works.  From the first meal we ate together we prayed before we ate so she got into the habit of us doing that together, and when I flew home with her she reminded the family at dinner before we ate we needed to pray.  She had a friend over one evening who said:  “I never had anybody do that before, that was awesome.”

Right before I flew home, there were 10 of us (mostly adults) that went to a restaurant for lunch.  It was a noisy crowed restaurant and I hesitated suggesting a prayer before the meal, I was thinking they are adults, if they want to pray before they eat, they can silently pray to themselves.


Granddaughter said to those who received their food first and were starting to pick at it, “you can’t eat yet, we haven’t prayed”.

Out of the mouths of children.

So we held hands, and humbled, I prayed our thanks.

I also prayed a silent repentant & thankful prayer.

How quick I forget, how thankful I am to be forgiven, and how thankful I am Jesus is always drawing me closer to Him.

 How thankful I am to see the ripple effect.

On me.

The call back

I was wondering if he would call me back.

And he did.

This morning, I talked to my Dad after well, I don’t remember how many years.

He was hesitant, slightly awkward sounding, but yet anxious to talk.  He proceeded to tell me he had been busy the day before going door to door, giving a talk (Jehovah’s Witness language for preaching) in the evening, and had missed seeing my call until later at night.

We talked about my message that we had moved.

Mid discussion, I prayed for the right words.  I prayed for what I needed.

Compassion is what Jesus gave me.  Compassion, and the confidence to speak boldly in love.

I heard sadness when he told me that he still loves me and thinks of me, and that it’s just a shame.

I could sense a tired man in his 80’s.  I could hear the sadness, but also a holding on to a life of what he believes.

As gently and lovingly as I could I told him I loved him too, but that he needed to understand that any of my past sins have been forgiven and forgotten by Jesus and they are gone and in the past, and it was too bad he didn’t feel that way too.

He mentioned something about yes, God sits in judgment of us, and that he does say he will forgive us.

I told him Christ forgave me years ago, and I was secure in that belief.  I was good about it.  I wish he felt that way too.  God sits in judgment, not men, or more importantly religious organizations.  That was something he would had to come to grips with.

He started talking about other things.  Pleasantries, like the weather, and how his sister, my aunt was doing.

When he said he thought of me over the years, I told him that I thought of him too, and while I may have wanted to call him or talk to him before I didn’t.  I didn’t because I felt like I was honoring his statements of no contact.  But that part of me wanted to just call anyway because I don’t agree with his position.  So I felt like I was honoring his wishes but I did not agree with it.  This also was something he had to come to grips with.

It was like our roles were reversed, where at one time I would have been quiet and listened while he talked; now I was bold.

A few more pleasantries, and then the conversation ended.

I’m not looking back on what else I could have or might have said.

What will become of this?  I don’t know.

But I know who does.


Thank you for giving me a glimpse of seeing through your eyes.

Forgive me when I look just through mine at those around me……..including my Dad.

This is in your hands.

I trust you.

In Jesus name,
