
I was with someone this week who was worried about the results of a medical test.

The individual administering the test was assuring this person that everything would be fine, as things had been  going well.  When the results proved her words were true, she then proceeded to say “See, there was nothing to worry about“.

The person I was with said, “Well, I worry”. 

I said, “Yes, you do worry.  Why do you worry?”

Their response was, “If I have nothing to worry about then everything is good.”

I actually had to write down what they said.  I don’t think they realized how much they had spoken from their heart.

Out of the overflow of the heart, one speaks.

We can only determine our attitude.  Whether it be positive or negative.

No matter how much I may desire someone’s attitude to be positive I can not change it.  Only pray about it.

Everyday we have a choice to be anxious & worried or take the path of peace.

There are many things that we could all choose to be anxious or worried about.  I think of the anxious, worried path like a train rail.  We can get stuck on that track.  Round and round our thoughts go.  Streaming down the track, increasing speed and tension, including additional bumps and stresses because of our heightened tension.  Ever snap at someone because of other stresses going on?  Ouch.  I have.

So, I have a choice.  Experience has taught me the quicker I can remember not to get on the trail rail the better.  I’m learning as I’m getting older (ha!).   Aren’t we all works in progress.  I try to remember this promise:

Philippians 4:4-9

“Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever  is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.”

Peace be with you.

Ps. 46:10

Be still and know that I am God.  Ps. 46:10

Off the grid.

That’s what I was for over a month while we moved into our new home and waited until the cable company had the equipment they needed to hook up whatever they needed to make the box sitting in our front yard “work”.

I was beginning to get a little antsy.  (I can hear Craig saying “beginning?”)

I’d like to say I filled those quiet times with extra study times and additional prayer.

My intentions were good.

However, my actions didn’t always follow through.


Instead, I’d often have bursts of either frantic box-emptying until my feet or body would wear out, or organization ideas to decide where to put stuff, or thought about what might have to go (we need to down-size some more).  Then of course there are the occasional items that need to be purchased.  I know, seriously, get rid of, and then obtain.  Trust me I know it sounds ridiculous, but some things you have to purchase.

During the TV free, internet free, and until I unpacked a radio, radio-free time, I thought about the Amish expression of how they live a simple life because it brings them closer to God.

Now I was born and raised in surrounding Amish country, and both our boys have often teased me and told me I was raised Amish even though I was not.  I have lived around Amish, there was even an Amish lady who used to come and care for us now and then when I was younger and even went on the occasional family trip.  I must have told a tale or two about her when they were growing up.  Boys like to tease their mothers when they can.

I’m digressing.

Being in farm country again, had me thinking about the farms I saw growing up and the Amish.  They may have lived in simpler homes, but they were always busy.  Sometimes simple can mean more work depending on what it is.  They were never idle.  I don’t recall them being still.

I don’t think it matters who you are or where you are from, we all struggle with being still.  Even people who we think live simple lives find things to do to occupy their time and their minds to keep themselves busy and find themselves away from God at sometime or another.

There is always a chore, always something to cook, always a child to care for, something to plant, something to harvest, something to think about, etc. etc.  We slip so easily into thinking we have to do this “one” thing before we can be still.  The next thing we know we have done another, and another and another.  I can easily slip into this pattern.  Trying to keep the pendulum balanced.

Being still, that for me is a purposeful action on my part.  I guess that is an oxymoron.  I mean that I deliberately have to choose to be still.  To quiet my actions, and that includes that hamster wheel of thoughts in my head.

Being still.

How better to get to know Him.

When I am still, I find that He has been patiently waiting all along.

When I am still, I find out how much I have missed Him.

When I am still, I find out how quickly I feel His love.

When I am still.

Lord, help me be still.

Jeremiah 29:11



New beginning.  New plan.  What will each day bring?

These words in my daily devotion from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young were a great reminder to this “planner”.  Sarah talked about approaching the day with the awareness of who was Boss.  “…..on days when things go smoothly, according to your plans, you may be unaware of my sovereign Presence.  On days when your plans are thwarted, be on the lookout for Me!”

I was reminded that God may be doing something important that may be quite different than what I’ve expected.  His ways are always better than ours.   Instead of trying to figure out what all is happening, simply trust Him and thank Him in advance for the good that will come out of it all.

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.  Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday – Simmering in Scripture

“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.  And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating he had done.”  Genesis 2:2,3

Check out this beautiful sunrise taken by Patrick Latter of Canadian Hiking Photography:  Vermilion Lakes Sunrise