Monday’s Memory – Cody

It was around this time of the year in 1998 that a little white Bichon Frise entered our home to captivate all our hearts.  He joined the pet menagerie consisting of a golden retriever, a tabby cat and a guinea pig.  He would try his hardest to wiggle his way into your affections.  He had a way of “talking” to you with is eyes.

I had always wanted a “little” dog.  One that could sit on my lap, and snuggle with me.   Cody spent the early mornings snuggled up against me during my quiet time, and also had worked his way on the bed, and slept between Craig and I until he could not longer jump up.

Cody had some internal tumors that the vet and us believed were pressing on his spine that had reached a point where it was uncomfortable for him.  In July, we said our goodbyes.

I know I’m not the only one that misses him.

I recently completed a watercolor of Cody in a pose that I like to remember him by.   This was the best our scanner would do, but I’m sharing it with you.


You can catch some more pictures of Cody here:  Dog Lessons

Say hello to Zion!

There has been a new friend I’ve been seeing when we go to the Park.

Someone new that is homeless.

I’d like you to meet her.

Fortunately, she has been able to make a good friend quickly and they seem to be looking after each other.


Three weeks ago Brenda was telling me how they met.  It seems that someone “dumped” Zion out of a car to get rid of her and Brenda saw Zion was out in the street.  From the beginning, Zion trusted Brenda and she came to her.  Brenda waited to see if anyone came back for her, but nobody did.  She named her Zion after the Zion church in the area.

When I first met Zion you could tell that people had mistreated her because she was very fearful.  I’m happy to say that over the last two weeks, I can see such a big difference in her!  Brenda has taken her to get her shots and all the necessities.  I know that Brenda has used money she had been saving to get back home for this.  Her growing love of Zion, and the bond they have formed is very evident.

Brenda told me that Zion came at a point “right when she needed her”.

I also think Brenda was there right when Zion needed her.

Their bond has been strong right from the beginning.  I asked Brenda that first occasion I met Zion if I could take a picture of both of them.  She agreed.

Brenda and Zion

There is always someway to connect with people….if we just listen…if we just see….
Lord, continue to keep my eyes and ears open please!

Dog Lessons

Some days you just feel blah.


When the weight of what your carrying or how you’re feeling is holding you down.

That’s when you need to give yourself a good shake or a yawn…

Wake up and start looking at your surroundings with fresh eyes.

Yeah, and maybe a treat.  Wait..what…did you say treat??  🙂